The Dig Daily Dose Edition 168

"Friday Finds: Dive into The Dig's Headlines for Your Weekend Journey"


"The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."

- Steve Jobs


Embracing Change: Insights from a Visionary

Steve Jobs, the iconic co-founder of Apple Inc., offers a compelling perspective on passion, perseverance, and personal fulfillment with this quote. His words resonate deeply in today’s world, where the pursuit of meaningful work is more significant than ever.

Passion as the Foundation of Excellence

Jobs emphasizes that the cornerstone of remarkable work is a deep love for what you do. This belief challenges the conventional notion of work as merely a means to an end. It proposes that true satisfaction and exceptional results come from engaging in work that aligns with one's passions and interests.

The Journey of Discovery: Finding Your Calling

The advice to keep looking reflects the importance of self-discovery in one's professional journey. Jobs encourages a mindset of exploration and openness, underscoring that finding one's true calling is a process that requires patience and persistence. This journey is not just about professional success but about personal fulfillment and happiness.

The Risk of Complacency: A Barrier to Greatness

The admonition "Don't settle" is a powerful call to resist complacency. Jobs warns against the comfort of settling for less than what one could achieve. This part of his message is especially pertinent for leaders and individuals who aspire to make a significant impact in their fields. It’s a reminder that settling for the status quo can be the biggest impediment to achieving greatness.

Inspiring a Culture of Enthusiasm and Innovation

By advocating for passion in work, Jobs's philosophy can transform organizational cultures. Leaders who embrace this ethos foster environments where enthusiasm, creativity, and innovation thrive. They inspire their teams to pursue work that excites them, leading to higher motivation, engagement, and ultimately, better outcomes.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Quest for Meaningful Work

Steve Jobs's insightful quote is more than just career advice; it's a philosophy for life. It challenges us to continually seek work that resonates with our deepest passions and to never settle for anything less. In doing so, we can unlock the potential for not just great work, but a life of fulfillment and purpose.

Wannemacher Jensen Architects, Inc.


U.S. Construction Industry: Navigating Economic Shifts and Strategic Adaptations

The Balancing Act of Costs and Growth

The U.S. construction industry is experiencing a dynamic shift as it enters 2024, marked by both challenges and growth opportunities. In November 2023, construction input prices dipped slightly by 0.3%, continuing a trend observed in the latter part of the year. This decrease, influenced by lower energy costs and a drop in prices of commodities like iron, steel, and lumber, offers a respite from the steep increases seen since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic​​.

Residential Sector: A Cautious Outlook

The residential construction segment has faced a downturn, with total housing starts dropping 13% from January to August 2023 compared to the previous year. High interest and mortgage rates, fueled by inflation, have significantly impacted housing affordability, dampening demand. Predictions for 2024 suggest only modest growth in housing construction, as the market remains sensitive to economic cycles​​.

Nonresidential Sector: Poised for Expansion

Conversely, the nonresidential sector appears more robust. Federal investments are driving growth in the construction of chip fabrication plants, biotechnology facilities, EV battery factories, and clean energy projects. Manufacturing construction spending saw a notable annual increase of 65.5% as of August 2023. Infrastructure projects, buoyed by the IIJA funds, have also seen a rise in spending, with significant investments in transportation, broadband, and energy construction. This segment is expected to sustain its growth trajectory into 2024​​.

Labor and Cost Volatility: A Persistent Challenge

The industry continues to grapple with fluctuating costs and labor shortages. Average construction wages have risen steadily, with a 5.2% year-over-year increase reported in August 2023. This upward pressure on wages, coupled with ongoing labor shortages, presents a significant challenge, especially for smaller firms. Price volatility of raw materials, though showing signs of stabilization, remains a concern. Firms are likely to adopt various strategies, including leveraging prefab and modular construction methods, to manage these challenges​​.

The Future: Strategic Adaptation and M&A Activity

As the industry navigates these economic uncertainties, a strategic shift is evident. Firms are likely to focus on core business strengths or explore mergers and acquisitions to expand into new markets and achieve cost efficiency. The rise in M&A activity, particularly from private equity investors, reflects this trend​​.

Workforce Dynamics: Addressing the Talent Gap

The construction industry is also facing a significant talent gap. With over 350,000 job openings in August 2023, the industry is in dire need of skilled workers. The aging workforce, coupled with the shifting interests of the younger generation, adds to the recruitment challenges. Firms are expected to intensify their efforts in attracting and training new talent to meet the growing demand​​.

In Summary

As 2024 dawns, the U.S. construction industry stands at a crossroads, balancing cost management with growth opportunities in various sectors. Strategic adaptations, innovative approaches to labor challenges, and a keen eye on economic indicators will be key to navigating the evolving landscape of this vital industry.

'Primed to Perform' by Neel Doshi and Lindsay McGregor explores how to create a high-performance culture in the workplace by tapping into employees' basic psychological needs. Through research, they debunk common management practices and offer a new approach to drive motivation and engagement.


Revolutionizing Roads: InfraTech's Sustainable Impact in Emerging Economies

Imagine a life without roads — a daily reality for many in emerging economies where undeveloped or poorly maintained road networks obstruct access to essential services. Recognizing roads' transformative potential, the Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub), in collaboration with multilateral development banks, launched a program to enhance road sustainability in emerging markets.

The Paradox of Roads: Costly Yet Crucial

Roads are vital for connecting communities to opportunities, but their construction and maintenance incur hefty global expenses of approximately $218 billion annually. Developing countries grapple with funding challenges, leading to the decay of vital transport corridors. Simultaneously, road travel contributes almost 75% of transport emissions, escalating climate change concerns.

InfraTech: Pioneering Sustainable Solutions

In response to this paradox, the GI Hub introduced InfraTech — Infrastructure Technology. This program aims to leverage technology for cost-effective and sustainable road construction and maintenance in developing countries. Recognizing a lack of awareness about technology's potential, the GI Hub collaborated with multilateral development banks to bridge the gap.

Strategic Partnerships: Ensuring Relevance to Developing Economies

Partnering with multilateral development banks, the GI Hub ensured a deep understanding of road projects' intricacies in emerging markets. These banks, experienced in supporting development projects, identified solutions aligned with developing economies' needs, fostering large-scale technology adoption for enduring impact.

InfraTech Solutions: Transforming Road Sustainability

After reviewing over 50 applications, the GI Hub selected five technology solutions poised to revolutionize road construction, maintenance, and safety, while mitigating costs and emissions. Among them, AI-driven real-time road repair data minimizes maintenance vehicle usage, high-resolution satellite images prevent landslides, and innovative asphalt applications extend road lifespan.

Empowering Developing Economies: A Replicable Process

The GI Hub's program provides a replicable process for integrating InfraTech into project development. Recognizing the transformative potential, eight multilateral development banks joined forces, collectively overseeing regions worldwide. The selected technologies offer transformative possibilities in resource-limited economies, making sustainability an actionable goal.

AfDB's Implementation: Spearheading Sustainable Road Maintenance

The African Development Bank (AfDB), financing up to $1 billion annually for road projects, recognized the urgency of cost-effective maintenance. Implementing the GI Hub's strategies, AfDB plans to launch a Sustainable Roads Maintenance Program for Africa in 2024, focusing on the continent's road upkeep.

A Vision for the Future: Beyond Roads and Global Collaboration

For the GI Hub, this program is just the beginning. Envisioning a global knowledge hub for InfraTech solutions, Henri Blas, Chief Content Officer at the GI Hub, emphasizes expanding into sectors like waste and water. He underscores the need for data-driven collaboration between governments and the private sector to scale investments globally.

In the quest for purpose-driven progress, the GI Hub's program exemplifies collaborative efforts to make essential infrastructure sustainable, setting a transformative precedent for global development.


Dominion Energy's Coastal Virginia Project: A Beacon of Hope Amid Offshore Wind Challenges

The U.S. offshore wind industry faces turbulent times marked by project cancellations and delays. Yet, against this backdrop, Dominion Energy's Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project stands resilient. While Ørsted recently scrapped offshore projects in New Jersey, Dominion is pressing ahead with its 2.6-GW CVOW project, backed by legislative support, a favorable regulatory environment, and strong community backing.

Industry Headwinds: A Year of Setbacks

Supply chain disruptions, rising costs, and regulatory hurdles have hindered several major U.S. offshore wind projects in the last six months. Ørsted abandoned projects in New Jersey and multiple ventures providing 3.2 GW to Massachusetts and Connecticut were shelved. Siemens Gamesa also suspended construction on a crucial terminal for Dominion's project. The industry now faces challenges in meeting the Biden administration's 30 GW target for operational offshore wind capacity by 2030.

Dominion's Unique Position: Legislative Support and Regulatory Advantage

Dominion's Coastal Virginia project benefits from legislative backing and regulatory advantages. Virginia passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act in 2020, deeming 5.2 GW of offshore wind in the public's best interest. The State Corporation Commission, which holds approval authority, was inclined to greenlight Dominion's proposal. Dominion's status as a regulated utility sets it apart; costs are folded into state-approved rates, offering a different financial model compared to private developers.

Regulatory Certainty and Community Support: Dominion's Edge

Regulatory certainty and extensive community outreach gave Dominion a head start. The Coastal Virginia project, as a regulated initiative, secured early agreements with offshore wind suppliers, mitigating risks associated with supply chain issues and inflation. Dominion's deep roots in the community, combined with a history of successful outreach for large projects, facilitated local support for the offshore wind endeavor.

Tax Incentives and Federal Support: Key Contributors

Dominion benefits from federal tax credits, including the Inflation Reduction Act's investment tax credit and additional credits for using domestic components. These incentives contribute to cost mitigation, making projects economically viable. The renewable electricity production tax credit further supports Dominion's venture, offering tax credits for carbon-free electricity supplied to the grid for up to 10 years.

Dominion's Path Forward: A Road Map for the Industry

Dominion's Coastal Virginia project, despite challenges faced by the broader industry, serves as a potential road map for offshore wind success in the U.S. The project's resilience, legislative backing, regulatory advantages, community support, and federal incentives provide insights for navigating the complexities of the evolving offshore wind landscape.

As the U.S. offshore wind industry learns from setbacks and enters a new phase, Dominion's success with the CVOW project offers optimism and lessons for the future. With the industry pipeline expanding and approvals on the horizon, the challenges of 2023 may set the stage for a more robust offshore wind landscape in the years to come.


Communicating Issues Safety Talk

Effective communication is the backbone of a safe work environment. We need to ensure that we openly discuss and address any issues that arise during our tasks. Let's explore scenarios when it's crucial to speak up and how to go about communicating these issues.

Examples of Scenarios When You Should Speak Up:

  1. Unsafe Work: If you witness someone working in an unsafe manner, speak up immediately.

  2. Lack of Training: If you don't have the proper training or knowledge for a task, communicate it.

  3. Inadequate Resources: If you lack the right tools or personnel for a task, address the issue.

  4. Missing Safeguards: If safeguards are not implemented, bring it to everyone's attention.

  5. Presence of Hazards: Communicate when there's a hazard that could harm you or others.

How to Go About Communicating Issues:

  1. Take Time for Conversations: Pause and have the necessary conversations to correct the situation.

  2. Involve the Right Personnel: Ensure the right people are part of the discussion to find effective solutions.

  3. Address Unsafe Practices: If someone is working unsafely, have a respectful conversation or involve a supervisor.

  4. Follow-Up Conversations: Check back to ensure the issue was resolved and preventive measures are in place.

  5. Inform Others if Necessary: If the issue is critical, inform others in the company to prevent similar incidents.


Having honest conversations, especially about safety concerns, might be uncomfortable, but it is essential. Issues that jeopardize safety are everyone's responsibility. We must be proactive in addressing and resolving problems to maintain a safe workplace.

Discussion Points:

  1. Personal Experiences: Share instances when you had to communicate an issue for safety reasons.

  2. Challenges in Communication: Discuss any challenges or barriers you face when communicating safety concerns.

Remember, our commitment to open communication ensures that we all go home safely every day.

Stay safe!

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